lunes, 31 de enero de 2011

Final reflection

I think we did a complete tour along all the activities you can use with ICT. Blogs, treasure hunts, podcasts, wikis, video and geottaging (I have no check this lesson by the moment) are in my opinion almost everything can be done. May we dit not photo editing work (but probably you dont work too much the lenguage when you do photo editing).

For this reason I think all of them are usefull. I must confess that working with ICTs takes time to prepare. It is important to have prepared a second plan in case the first fails. From my point of view all tri-fold using it with older students but perhaps the blog is as usable for all ages.

No activities I found least useful all of them are OK.

About difficulties I would say that if you're someone who has never had contact with ICTs is possible that this is a somewhat difficult course because yo have to register in certain applications that are new and also you have to do some downloads, I remember now Audacity (although you can also be used in portable version).

When I had any trouble I looked at the examples or to another companion´s works, but I must say I had some facilities because I used before some of the programs we have used in the course. I mean, to do these activities online for first time could be difficult.

In my case that secribir tner in Inglés has cost me since I do not work as a teacher of English and three years ago I did the course qualify me as an English teacher. I did the course but since then I have worked teaching English and I do not know if I'll do later. I must improve my English, but not in contact with the language is difficult.
In my case having to write in English has cost me because I do not work as a teacher of English and I did the course that qualifyed me as an English teacher In my case having to write in English has cost me because I do not work as a teacher of English and I did the course that qualifyed me as an English teacher three years ago. I did the course but since then I have not worked teaching English and I do not know if I'll do later. I must improve my English, but if you are not in contact with the language is difficult to improve.
I have to say though it is not an excuse that we have two small children and it has a lot of influence on the time you can spend doing the course.

Mainly I have learned resources from my peers and I also have tried to provide some of them.

I think I will be able to use the resoures we have been practicing in the course but also I will need to organize how I would use them.

Thanks to all my companions although I have not had regular contact with them. Maybe I should have had more feedback with them (but as one teacher from the course I did to be English teacher said: "Live is live" and sometimes we have more commitments than the daily work).

Heartfelt thanks to all.

domingo, 30 de enero de 2011

Let's shoot a video!

The aim of this activity when we do it with our students is to have a video about their school memories where they have been studying during about 10 years.

Create your own video slideshow at

sábado, 22 de enero de 2011


Hi everybody!

This is the URL of my first WIKI.

The aim of this Wiki is developing capabilities for defining objects and places. I think this Wiki could be used with 12 year old students.

domingo, 2 de enero de 2011


Here it is my first podcast.

Listen it and try to making a similar one, probably you will do better.